Ohio Defense Force


History of the Ohio Defense Force

The Southeastern Ohio Defense Force, Inc. is the parent organization. It was incorporated in 1989 as a non-profit corporation with offices located in Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio. The Board of Directors authored the Constitution of the SODF. Our Mission Statement is the same as stated in the Articles of Incorporation and is dated September 18, 1989. These have not changed or been altered in any way.

Directory of the people who founded the Southeastern Ohio Defense Force and the current Board of Directors.

GEN William B. Alexander, Retired USN, UDT & SEAL Team One
The founding father of the SODF
Passed away January 1, 2007
MAJ Henry Hank Jones, USA 1st Air Cav Division, Medic 8 yrs
Deputy Sheriff, SWAT Team Sniper
Now retired to Florida
CPT Charles Tom Kelly, Deputy Sheriff, SWAT Team 15 yrs
Private Investigator
Now living in Cincinnati, OH

From SODF to ODF:

In 2004, it was decided by the Board of Directors to expand to a statewide organization thus forming the Ohio Defense Force (ODF). The composition of the organization is as follows:

Ohio Defense Force, (ODF) HQ – This is State of Ohio Headquarters (HQ) located in New Lexington, Ohio. 

1st BN, Southeastern Ohio Defense Force (SODF) – HQ located in New Lexington, Ohio.


3rd BN – Northeast Ohio Defense Force (NEODF) – Cleveland area.

4th BN – Northwest Ohio Defense Force (NWODF) – Toledo area.

5th BN – Southwest Ohio Defense Force (SWODF) – Cincinnati area.

The Organization:

The ODF is made up entirely of volunteers and supported by membership dues, fund-raisers, and donations. There is no pay for serving within the enlisted ranks, the officer corps or on the Board of Directors.

We are a private corporation. Therefore, we do not take orders from the National Guard, Army Reserve or any other military establishment falling under Federal or State authority. We do volunteer our service to our local government. This has included the County Commissioners, Sheriffs and Police Departments. All missions requested by the local government entity must fall with in the parameters of our Mission Statement, Constitution, and training.

The ODF does not deploy out of the state of Ohio, nor are the members allowed to be involved in political protests while in uniform.

Past Missions:

Past missions have included Shadyside in 1990, where SODF members were a vital part in the flood rescue and recovery. In 1990 and 1991 we provided security for teen alcohol and drug prevention dances. In 1993 we established a community service mission with the Village of White Cottage, providing security and parade traffic control during their Community Days Festival. This has been an annual mission that has been done though out  the years.

In 1994 we began participating in the Muskingum County disaster drills. This training is with fire, EMS, police, sheriff, EMAs and Highway Patrol, just to mention a few. In 2005 and 2006 we assisted with the Toys-for-Tots drive. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 we had many members trained in wilderness first aid and search and rescue operations in conjunction with local EMA. Many of our members are also trained in CERT and ham radio operations.

Becoming A Member:

We have positions open regardless of physical limitations or skill level. Anyone over the age of 17 is invited to join, no experience necessary. If you are prior service, submit a copy of your DD-214 along with your enlistment papers. We’ll make every effort to start you off at the same rank you last had in the military. (Subject to availability)

If you have a group of people who would like to join as a fire team or platoon, contact the ODF.

If you would like to join, there are only a few things you’ll really need.  Although on your first trip to visit us, it’s perfectly acceptable to come as you are.




The Ohio Defense Force or it’s personnel do not do interviews with the media.