From The Desk:

From the Desk of COL Goldsmith

What I think is all common sense in my life time, I have come to believe as a member of the O.D.F. That freedom like respect has to be earned and must be constantly nurtured and protected from those who would take it away.

It is the right of every law abiding citizen to protect his or her life, liberty and personal property by any means at hand without fear of arrest, criminal prosecution or law suit.

The right to bear arms is essential to maintaining true personal freedom.

In respect to the criminal justice system, it needs to be guided by basic tenets. The courts need to stop papering criminals. Punishment must fit the crime. Justice needs to be fair, swift and sometimes harsh.

Society is not perfect but it needs to be fair. Education is what we need to stop America’s decline. Education must stress hard discipline along with the arts, science, music and basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. Teach fairness, respect, morals and family.

Welfare is only for the elderly, infirm and for a temporary helping hand. The concept of honest work for an honest pay for everyone who can work. Must work or be forced to work if necessary. There is no free lunch. Being productive citizens in a free society is the honorable path to take.

Racial prejudice and bigotry are intolerable in a free society. No one earns respect simply because of the color of their skin. Respect is earned by the actions and deeds, not birth right.

There are two types people on this earth, good and bad. Good will flourish and bad will perish. No Laws made by government can make one person similar to another.

A free society must be protected at all costs, even if it means shedding the blood of it’s people. The willingness of the people to put their lives on the line for their freedom is what a true democracy is.

The right to bear arms, the right to personal protection, the right to free speech all this makes us a free people. The United States of America is ours for as long as we can keep it.

Ken Goldsmith
Commanding Officer
Ohio Defense Force