

The Constitution of The Southeastern Ohio Defense Force

As citizens of the communities of southeastern Ohio, concerned with the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to put forth our desires and commitments do hereby make and submit this constitution in the formation of the Southeastern Ohio Defense Force.
We, the members of the SODF, do pledge and shall be committed as follows;
To the protection of our families, to the sustenance of the community, and to the defense of the great State of Ohio and the United States of America.
To defend our nation, our state, and our community against lawlessness, anarchy, acts of violence, terrorism, and war, at the hands of all enemies of the peace and stability of our nation, state, or community, whether they be foreign or domestic enemies.
To educate and train the members of the SODF in the areas of defense, preparation, and survival in the event of natural or man made disaster or turbulence.
To assist in the training of, and implementation of disaster services with others engaged in the preservation of our community, state, and nation, including law enforcement, civil defense, or emergency management systems.
To offer our voluntary services to the government and public law enforcement personnel of the southeastern Ohio and the state of Ohio, to be used in the areas and situations the SODF has trained for.
To conduct ourselves in a manner consistent with accepted military customs and traditions, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice as amended by the board of directors and headquarters of the SODF.
We do hereby affirm the above stated policies this Eighteenth day of September, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Nine.

Mission Statement
The Mission Statement of the SODF as stated in paragraph 3 of the Articles of Incorporation is:
“The purpose for which the Corporation is formed are the assisting of local and State governments, their agencies and law enforcement authorities in emergency situations; assist in the protection of local citizens in emergencies; and organize and train individuals to provide such assistance; and to do such other lawful acts as contemplated by the Non Profit Laws of the State of Ohio.”
As recorded on Roll G709 at Frame 1198 of the Records of Incorporation and Miscellaneous Fillings.
“Witness my hand and the seal of the Secretary of State, at the City of Columbus, Ohio, this 18th day of Sept, A.D. 1989.”
Sherrod Brown
State of Ohio
Secretary of State